Bowling Leagues are a Great Time at Don Carter Lanes!
At Don Carter Lanes we have many different bowling leagues including traditional bowling leagues; Womens, Mens, Senior, Couples & Youth. Varied formats from Traditional to BPW (Beer, Pizza & Wing to WBWW (Women Bowling With Wine) with many leagues having huge cash payouts. If you are a new league bowler don carter lanes has a FREE Bowling Ball program.
Once you decide on the league or leagues you wish to sign-up for, simply e-mail us or text your team information to (815) 978-6076. Please include all players names & phone numbers.
Bowling Leagues use a Handicap Scoring System, to allow for bowlers of different ability levels to compete fairly within the same league. For example a league that uses a 100% of 200 system would work as follows. A bowler who averages 130 will receive 70 (200-130) bonus pins (pins of handicap) added to their score. A bowlers average and handicap will be adjusted each week based on the overall score and number of games. The computer scorers will calculate your handicap for you. Your job is to just have FUN!
Upcoming Leagues
Never too late to Join! Check out our FREE Bowling Ball Program for new League Bowlers.
Form Your Own Bowling League!
Company League, Neighborhood League, Or Just A Group Of Friends!
Lots of groups are now forming their own bowling league-why not you? In the past we have provided many different league opportunities to you-but we forgot to ask what you wanted, shame on us! Here’s your chance to do it your way.
You form a league of your own with friends, family, co workers or members of an organization that you’re a member of. You decide the time of day, day of week, number of sessions that you want to bowl. Then tell us how often you want to bowl weekly, bi-weekly or once a month. We’ll just provide the lanes for you.
Finally you will have a league you can enjoy with all the benefits you want including a great social activity and a FUN time with friends. Because this is your league you tell us the rules and how much time you want to spend with us.
Leagues can be formed with as few as 8 bowlers (4 Teams of 2). An extra benefit of bowling in a league with only a couple bowlers on each team sessions can be limited to 90 minutes or less too – no longer do you need to mark the entire night/day off your schedule.
Please contact us at (815) 399-0314 to join a league or get information on starting your own.