Learn To Bowl

Bowling truly is America's great pastime. According to Simmons Research, more than 70 million Americans bowl each year, making it the largest participatory sport in the United States. More people bowl in the U.S. each year than play golf, baseball, basketball or soccer.

This Bowling 2.0 instructional program is designed to give new bowlers or current recreationalbowlers that are wishing to brush up on the fundamentals and improve, the skills they need to get better and enjoy the sport even more than they do now.

Yes Bowling is always FUN but it becomes more so when you are able to knock down more pins.

The Bowling 2.0 class is a four week program that will utilize professionally produced instructional classroom videos, in person instruction and on-lane coaching (from a certified instructor) and practice time.

The weekly classes will be comprised of 30 to 45 minutes of classroom followed by 45 min to 1 hr of on-lane instruction and practice time to work on what you have learned.

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